7th Grade All-Star Game (Saturday) – Registration

7th Grade All-Star Game (Saturday)
Registration Form & Waiver
$75 includes All-Star team jersey

Payment for Registration

Your Payment: $

Emergency Contact

I consent to the Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions
Waiver and Medical Treatment Authorization

I do hereby give my approval to my son’s participation in the GIU All American Games, and I assume all risks and hazards in these activities and transportation to and from these activities. I understand that football is a contact sport and serious injury or death may occur during play. I do hereby release and hold harmless GridIron University, it’s organizers, directors, officers, sponsors and coaches. I agree to support all GridIron University programs; sponsorships and raffles. GridIron University reserves the right to prohibit or expel any parent, coach, player, or team from joining or remaining in the league for any reason that they deem necessary with no refund provided.
I do hereby give my permission to any responsible person with GridIron University, in the event of an emergency, if I cannot be contacted by normal efforts, to authorize emergency medical treatment in any area hospital for the child herein named.

Refund Policy

By completing the online form, I hereby acknowledge and agree that no refund will be given unless no team/squad can be formed for said age group.


GIU reserves rights to use any combine participants pictures for advertising and marketing only.
By completing the registration form, I hereby acknowledge and agree to ALL terms.